Gulf Streams


We are proud to announce we have partnered with non-profit local radio station KPFT Houston to create a new environmental and climate program called Gulf Streams. Tune in weekly on Mondays at 9:30AM to 90.1 KPFT Houston to hear from a range of Rice experts, Houston environmental advocates, and local leaders on environmental topics from around Houston, Texas, and beyond. Or listen to our show after it airs as podcast (see below)!

Have an idea for an episode? Want to leave a question in advance of our next show? Call and leave a voicemail at 713-348-4081, or email Weston Twardowski at (

Gulf Streams is produced by Rice’s Center for Environmental Studies, the Rice Sustainability Insitute’s EcoStudio, and KPFT Houston. We feature a range of guest hosts and co-hosts. The core production team is:

  • Dr. Weston Twardowski (Host/Producer)
  • Dr. Joseph Campana (Producer)
  • Jadyn Bray Boyce (Researcher/Contributor)
  • Siena Yiin (Researcher/Contributor)